Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hot off the presses: HGTV MAGAZINE

The other day while roaming my twitter time line (aka twit hustling, lol) I made a startling...yet exciting, discovery. HGTV is launching a magazine!! Now you all know that ever since I purchased my home I have become obsessed with home decor, especially DIY projects. Hence my fascination with HGTV and it's sister station DIY network. So you can imagine my elation when I found out that I can get a print version of one my fav television station.

Some of you may be wondering why all the excitement for the magazine when I can turn on the channel anytime. Well my excitement stems from a few things.

1- I can't carry my TV everywhere I go...but a magazine I can.
2- One of my ultimate methods of relaxation is flipping through a mag while laying on the couch...and why shouldn't my mag of choice (well one of them) be HGTV
3- With the magazine I can basically access all of HGTV programming all at once

I could go on, but I think I made my point.

Tips on real estate, renovations,home entertainment, and more all at your fingertips. If you ask's a genius idea.

The Magazine is set to hit newsstands October 4th. If you are as excited as i am, head over to the HGTV magazine page and sign up for a free Trial offer and receive the inaugural issue absolutely free!! Of course I already signed up and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

 Ms. K

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