Sunday, May 22, 2011


So...true and funny story to share with you folks.  The other night, in preparation for TW's visit I went on a cleaning.unpacking frenzy.  Krystal (hereinafter Al) came over in the midst of it and just in the knick of time to tell the truth.  She was able to help me hang up my license, diplomas, and certificates in the office.  She also brought her younger brother Mark with her and both of them helped me move the bookshelf to its permanent home in the reading corner.

So after we moved the bookshelf, but before we began our hanging task, Al decided to take a break and I decided to run the dish water to wash the few dishes in the sink.  Some of you may see where this is going...

We continued on with the conversation and then Al was ready to tackle the hanging.  So off we go to the office.  Sometime later Mark comes running and all he says is "water".

It was at that very moment that I remembered running water in the sink to wash the dishes...unfortunately I couldn't remember turning it off.  SMDH.

Lucky for me Mark was there and he caught it just as it overflowed.  I was also lucky that my kitchen floor needed to be scrubbed, so I used some of the water for that. ;-)

Ms. K

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